STSM information
Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) are transnational individual mobility visits aimed at fostering human capacity development and scientific collaboration within the INNOGLY research community.
Some of their priority goals are to promote exchange of expertise and integration between technologies, and to catalyse and stimulate joint research activities. However, any proposal aimed at consolidating the scientific and technological framework of the INNOGLY community or opening it to new horizons can be considered.
STSM will be aimed more specifically towards Early Career Investigators (PhD students or scientists having completed their PhD in the last 8 years), in accordance with the INNOGLY Memorandum of Understanding and the general rules of the COST association. Technicians, engineers and other research staff are also eligible to partake in STSMs.
STSM funding can support travel and accommodation but not the actual cost of experiments/ instrument access. STSM must be carried out in a different country than the home country of the applicant. Within 30 days after the end of the mission, the grantee must submit a short scientific report; otherwise the grant will not be transferred.
In case the mission will result in a publication, it is mandatory to place one of the following sentences in the Acknowledgements:
- “This article is based on work funded by COST Action (CA18103 INNOGLY)”;
- “This work benefited from STSM funding by COST Action (CA18103 INNOGLY)”.
Further information about STSM are available on COST website and in COST Vademecum, where you can find financial details and rules that apply. The whole procedure is very clearly and user friendly described in STSM user guide.