INNOGLY Virtual Training in GlycoAnalysis and GlycoInformatics 2nd-3rd of November 2020
Here the Final PDF:
Monday- GlycoAnalysis
Central European Time (CET) 2-Nov
10-10.45 “A look into the glycoanalytical tool box: What do we have and what do we further need to address life science questions?” Manfred Wuhrer, Prof. at Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands
11-11.45 “N-linked glycoproteomics”- Katja Mirgorodskaya PhD, researcher at Sahlgrenska Academy proteomic core facility, University of Gothenburg
13-13.45 “O-linked glycoproteomics” Sergey Vakhrushev Assoc Prof at Copenhagen Centre for Glycomcis, University of Copenhagen
14-14.45 “MS based O-linked glycomics from sample to submission” Niclas Karlsson, Assoc Prof. at Institute for Biomedicine, University of Gothenburg
15-15.45 “N- and O-linked glycan analysis using UPLC and exoglycosidase digestions” Radka Fahey, Investigator in NIBRT GlycoScience group and CÚRAM and Adjunct Research Fellow at UCD (University College Dublin)
16-16.45 “N-GlyCat: A Skyline tool for automated N-glycan structural analysis of PGC-LC-MS data” Chris Ashwood PhD at CardiOmics Program, Center for Heart and Vascular Research; Division of Cardiovascular Medicine; and Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA
Tuesday- GlycoInformatics
9-9.45 “Structural Glycobioinformatics; From monosaccharides to complex glycans” Serge Perez, Prof. Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, CERMAV, Grenoble, France.
10-10.45 “Glycan-related repositories to enable standardization of glycomics data” Kiyoko Aoki-Kinoshita, Deputy Director, Glycan & Life Systems Integration Center (GaLSIC) and Prof., Faculty of Science and Engineering, Soka University
11-11.45 “Division of labour across the three cooperative platforms of the GlySpace Alliance” Frederique Lisacek, Proteome Informatics Group (PIG) at SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
13-13.45 “Glycogenomics” Hiren Joshi, Assoc Prof at Copenhagen Centre for Glycomcis, University of Copenhagen
14-14.45 “Glycan microarray data and new software, CarbArrayART for data storage, presentation and reporting” Yukie Akune, Name: Yukie Akune, Dr at Glycosciences Laboratory Imperial College London
15-15.45 “Molecular simulations of simple and complex carbohydrates” Elisa Fadda, Department of Chemistry and Hamilton Institute, Maynooth University, Maynooth, co. Kildare, Ireland.
16-16.45 “Pending issues with glycoproteomics software and identification result comparability” Frederique Lisacek, Proteome Informatics Group (PIG) at SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Day 1 registration link:
Day 2 registration link: